Proprietary Investments

We make select minority and majority private market investments using our own proprietary capital. We invest across sectors and stages, and have most experience in software, digital media, business services and finance/insurance.

We know what it takes to achieve an exceptional outcome for management and shareholders. We have experience navigating the full company full life cycle, from seed to IPO/exit.

We are especially interested in tech, tech-enabled, buy-and-build, and high-margin opportunities. We also like investing in brands that have high trust and strong pricing power. We act fast and make decisions quickly, and will consider special situations and more unusual opportunities as they arise.

We’re a long-term partner. We target durable businesses where we believe we can add value and make a difference for all involved. We draw on our advisory expertise, helping portfolio companies raise capital, complete acquisitions, create the right incentives for management, and maximise valuation at exit.

Got an investment opportunity to discuss? Please email with more information.


Unsplash (acquired by Getty)

Hitch (acquired by Lyft)